
Delete current default settings, or the cache, data or sessions directories


gmt clear all | cache | data | sessions | settings [ -V[level] ]

Note: No space is allowed between the option flag and the associated arguments.


The clear command allows users to delete their entire user cache, data, or sessions directories, and in modern mode their defaults settings (i.e., gmt.conf), or all of the above.

Optional Arguments

Deletes all the items under the control of the individual targets.
Delete the user’s cache directory and all of its contents.
Delete the user’s data download directory and all of its contents.
Delete the user’s sessions directory.
Delete the current default settings file (gmt.conf) used for the current modern session.
-V[level] (more …)
Select verbosity level [c].
-^ or just -
Print a short message about the syntax of the command, then exits (NOTE: on Windows just use -).
-+ or just +
Print an extensive usage (help) message, including the explanation of any module-specific option (but not the GMT common options), then exits.
-? or no arguments
Print a complete usage (help) message, including the explanation of all options, then exits.


To remove the current default settings in a modern mode session, use:

gmt clear settings

To completely wipe your GMT cache directory, try:

gmt clear cache