reStructuredText Cheatsheet

The GMT documentations are written in reStructureText (ReST) and built by Sphinx. Here is a quick and dirty cheat sheet for some common ReST stuff used in GMT documentations. You can see the literal source code of the ReST file on the right, and the rendered web page on the left.


Try a online reStructuredText editor (e.g., if you want to preview texts written in ReST.

For a more complete description of ReST syntax, please visit the Sphinx documentation.

Formatting text

Paragraphs are simply chunks of text separated by one or more blank lines.

It’s simple to use inline markup to have italic text, bold text, and inline source codes.

It’s a little complicated to write a GMT option. You need to use backslash + pipe to have a pipe (|) and backslash + whitespace to separate inline markups.



Bullet list:

  • Point A
  • Point B
  • Point C
  • Point D

Numbered list:

  1. Point 1
  2. Point 2
  3. Point 3
  4. Point 4

Definition list:

Definition of term1
Definition of term2


ReST supports multiple ways to make a table.

Simple Table

A B A and B
False False False
True False False
False True False
True True True

Grid Table

Header row, column 1 Header 2 Header 3 Header 4
body row 1, column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4
body row 2  


gmt begin map
gmt basemap -R0/10/0/10 -JX10c/10c -Baf
gmt end


Use the figure directive to include images:


Figure caption

Formatting text

Paragraphs are simply chunks of text separated by one or
more blank lines.

It's simple to use inline markup to have *italic text*,
**bold text**, and ``inline source codes``.

It's a little complicated to write a GMT option.
You need to use backslash + pipe to have a pipe (|) and
backslash + whitespace to separate inline markups.

**-A**\ *value*\ [**+w**\ *pen*][**+a**\|\ **b**\|\ **c**]


**Bullet list:**

- Point A
- Point B
- Point C
- Point D

**Numbered list**:

#. Point 1
#. Point 2
#. Point 3
#. Point 4

**Definition list**:

    Definition of term1
    Definition of term2


ReST supports multiple ways to make a table.

Simple Table

=====  =====  =======
A      B      A and B
=====  =====  =======
False  False  False
True   False  False
False  True   False
True   True   True
=====  =====  =======

Grid Table

.. _tbl-grid:

| Header row, column 1 | Header 2   | Header 3 | Header 4 |
|                      |            |          |          |
| body row 1, column 1 | column 2   | column 3 | column 4 |
| body row 2           | ...        | ...      |          |


External links

`GMT Forum <>`_

Internal links

Link to the a module with :doc:`plot` or :doc:`/plot`.

Link to a section title with `Lists`_.

Link to a target with :ref:`Link to a table <tbl-grid>`.



    gmt begin map
    gmt basemap -R0/10/0/10 -JX10c/10c -Baf
    gmt end


Use the ``figure`` directive to include images:

.. figure:: /_images/GMT_coverlogo.png
   :width: 90%

   Figure caption