(33) Stacking automatically generated cross-profilesΒΆ
The script produces the plot in Figure. Here we demonstrate how grdtrack can be used to automatically create a suite of crossing profiles of uniform spacing and length and then sample one or more grids along these profiles; we also use the median stacking option to create a stacked profile, showed above the map, with the gray area representing the variations about the stacked median profile.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Purpose: Illustrate grdtrack's new cross-track and stacking options
# GMT modules: makecpt, convert, grdimage, grdtrack, text, plot
# Unix progs: cat, rm
gmt begin ex33
# Extract a subset of ETOPO1m for the East Pacific Rise
# gmt grdcut etopo1m_grd.nc -R118W/107W/49S/42S -Gspac_33.nc
gmt makecpt -Crainbow -T-5000/-2000
gmt grdimage @spac_33.nc -I+a15+ne0.75 -JM6i -B -Xc --FORMAT_GEO_MAP=dddF
# Select two points along the ridge
cat <<- EOF > ridge.txt
-111.6 -43.0
-113.3 -47.5
# Plot ridge segment and end points
gmt plot -R@spac_33.nc -W2p,blue ridge.txt
gmt plot -Sc0.1i -Gblue ridge.txt
# Generate cross-profiles 400 km long, spaced 10 km, samped every 2km
# and stack these using the median, write stacked profile
gmt grdtrack ridge.txt -G@spac_33.nc -C400k/2k/10k+v -Sm+sstack.txt > table.txt
gmt plot -W0.5p table.txt
# Show upper/lower values encountered as an envelope
gmt convert stack.txt -o0,5 > env.txt
gmt convert stack.txt -o0,6 -I -T >> env.txt
gmt plot -R-200/200/-3500/-2000 -Bxafg1000+l"Distance from ridge (km)" -Byaf+l"Depth (m)" -BWSne \
-JX6i/3i -Glightgray env.txt -Y6.5i
gmt plot -W3p stack.txt
echo "0 -2000 MEDIAN STACKED PROFILE" | gmt text -Gwhite -F+jTC+f14p -Dj0.1i
# cleanup
rm -f ridge.txt table.txt env.txt stack.txt
gmt end show