Contributors Guide
This is a community driven project and everyone is welcome to contribute. The project is hosted at the GMT GitHub repository.
The goal is to maintain a diverse community that’s pleasant for everyone. Please be considerate and respectful of others. Everyone must abide by our Code of Conduct and we encourage all to read it carefully.
Ways to Contribute
Ways to Contribute Documentation and/or Code
Tackle any issue that you wish! Please leave a comment on the issue indicating that you want to work on it. Some issues are labeled as “good first issues” to indicate that they are beginner friendly, meaning that they don’t require extensive knowledge of the project.
Make a tutorial or example of how to do something.
Improve the API documentation.
Contribute code you already have. It doesn’t need to be perfect! We will help you clean things up, test it, etc.
Ways to Contribute Feedback
Ways to Contribute to Community Building
Participate and answer questions on the GMT Community Forum.
Participate in discussions at the monthly GMT Community Meetings, which are announced on the forum governance page.
Cite GMT when using the project.
Spread the word about GMT or star the project!
Providing Feedback
Reporting a Bug
Find the Issues tab on the top of the GitHub repository and click New Issue.
Click on Get started next to Bug report.
Please try to fill out the template with as much detail as you can.
After submitting your bug report, try to answer any follow up questions about the bug as best as you can.
Submitting a Feature Request
Find the Issues tab on the top of the GitHub repository and click New Issue.
Click on Get started next to Feature request.
Please try to fill out the template with as much detail as you can.
After submitting your feature request, try to answer any follow up questions as best as you can.
Submitting General Comments/Questions
There are several pages on the Community Forum where you can submit general comments and/or questions:
For questions about using GMT, select New Topic from the Q&A Page.
For general comments, select New Topic from the Lounge Page.
To share your work, select New Topic from the Showcase Page.
General Guidelines
Resources for New Contributors
Please take a look at these resources to learn about Git and pull requests (don’t hesitate to ask for help):
Getting Help
Discussion often happens in the issues and pull requests. For general questions, you can post on the GMT Community Forum. We also host community meetings roughly monthly to discuss GMT development, which are announced on the GMT Community Forum.
Pull Request Workflow
We follow the git pull request workflow to make changes to our codebase. Every change made goes through a pull request, even our own, so that our continuous integration services have a change to check that the code is up to standards and passes all our tests. This way, the master branch is always stable.
General Guidelines for Making a Pull Request (PR):
Open an issue first describing what you want to do. If there is already an issue that matches your PR, leave a comment there instead to let us know what you plan to do.
Each pull request should consist of a small and logical collection of changes.
Larger changes should be broken down into smaller components and integrated separately.
Bug fixes should be submitted in separate PRs.
Describe what your PR changes and why this is a good thing. Be as specific as you can. The PR description is how we keep track of the changes made to the project over time.
Do not commit changes to files that are irrelevant to your feature or bugfix (eg: .gitignore, IDE project files, etc).
Write descriptive commit messages. Chris Beams has written a guide on how to write good commit messages.
Be willing to accept criticism and work on improving your code; we don’t want to break other users’ code, so care must be taken to not introduce bugs.
Be aware that the pull request review process is not immediate, and is generally proportional to the size of the pull request.
General Process for Pull Request Review:
After you’ve submitted a pull request, you should expect to hear at least a comment within a couple of days. We may suggest some changes or improvements or alternatives.
Some things that will increase the chance that your pull request is accepted quickly:
Write a good and detailed description of what the PR does.
Write tests for the code you wrote/modified.
Readable code is better than clever code (even with comments).
Write documentation for your code and leave comments explaining the reason behind non-obvious things.
Include an example of new features in the gallery or tutorials.
Pull requests will automatically have tests run by GitHub Actions. Github will show the status of these checks on the pull request. Try to get them all passing (green). If you have any trouble, leave a comment in the PR or get in touch.
Setting up your environment
For editing the documentation locally and contributing code, you will need a development environment. To set up a development environment, follow the steps for building GMT paying attention to several “Note for developers” that provide helpful or necessary information for running tests and building the documentation.
To enable testing, you need to uncomment the following lines in your ConfigUserAdvanced.cmake
configuring GMT:
Optionally, uncomment the following line to run tests on the supplement modules:
Optionally, uncomment the following line and change 4
to the number of ctest jobs to run simultaneously:
set (N_TEST_JOBS 4)
Updating the development source codes
Assuming you did not delete the build directory, this is just as simple as:
cd <path-to-gmt>
git pull
cd build
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install
CMake will detect any changes to the source files and will automatically reconfigure. If you deleted all files inside the build directory you have to run CMake again manually.
Using build and test aliases
The file /admin/bashrc_for_gmt
contains useful aliases for building and testing GMT that some developers chose to
use. New pull requests with other aliases that you find helpful are welcome. This file is version controlled, so you
should copy the file to a different location in order to edit and use it. For example, use these commands to copy it to
your home directory:
cd <path-to-gmt>
cp admin/bashrc_for_gmt ~/.bashrc_for_gmt
Here are the steps for setting up bashrc_for_gmt
after copying it to a new location:
If you do not have ninja installed, you will need to change
toBname="Unix Makefiles"
. Ninja is recommended for speeding up build times.You may need to update
depending on your preferred program for viewing files.Optionally, change
to the number of cores to use for building and running tests.Change
to the path for your version of the MATLAB app.Set
to the path that contains the localgit clone
copy of the GMT repository.Set
to the path that contains the foldersdcw-gmt-2.0.0/
for the dcw and gshhg datasets respectively. If these folders are not located in the same path, you can instead delete the line (DATA_DIR=<path to directory containing GSHHG and DCW>
) and set the individual paths to the GSHHG and DCW source by changing (export GMT_GSHHG_SOURCE=${DATA_DIR}/gshhg-gmt-2.3.7
) and (export GMT_DCW_SOURCE=${DATA_DIR}/dcw-gmt-2.0.0
).Edit the file
to include the linesource <path>/bashrc_for_gmt
. If you set upbashrc_for_gmt
as a hidden file in your home directory, this line should besource ~/.bashrc_for_gmt
Here are some of the shortcuts included in bashrc_for_gmt
can be used to quicklycd
to the top of the GMT source directory and repository base respectively.gmtfind
can be used to list all source, docs, scripts, and text files where a string appears in the file (e.g.,gmtfind "Grid increment is"
returns all files that contain the string ‘Grid increment is’). This includes all files recursively from the current working directory;gtop
can be used prior to this command to get to the source directory or repository base.cmakegmtd
, andcmakegmtx
configures cmake for debug, release, and XCode debug respectively.dlog
can be used to open the debug and release build check error logs respectively.There are several aliases with various combinations of pulling new changes, deleting the build directories, configuring cmake, and building the source code. Each of these are documented with comments in
can be used to run the tests for the debug and release builds respectively.vpngdbuild
can be used to open the results from all failing image-based tests.view_png_failures_r
can be used for view failures of the release build with a lag between opening each file.
Contributing Documentation
If you’re browsing the documentation and notice a typo or something that could be improved, please consider letting us know. You can either create an issue on GitHub, or click the “Edit on GitHub” button at the top right corner of the documentation, and submit a pull request.
The GMT documentation is written in the plaintext markup language reStructuredText (reST) and built by documentation generator Sphinx. The reST plaintext files for the GMT documentation are located in the doc/rst/source folder. You may need to know some basic reST syntax before making changes. Please refer to our reStructuredText Cheatsheet for details.
Building the documentation
Usually you don’t need to build the documentation locally for small changes. To build the GMT documentation you
need to build GMT from source. Be sure
to also satisfy the
development dependencies
before proceeding. Have a look at the options in cmake/ConfigUserAdvanced.cmake
if you want to change the
target directory for the documentation you are about to build.
To build the documentation, you also need to install some Python packages (the Sphinx theme and extensions). These packages are listed in doc/rst/requirements.txt
and can be installed via:
$ python -m pip install -r doc/rst/requirements.txt
After configuring and building GMT from source,
you can then build the GMT documentation using the following commands within the build
dvc pull
cmake --build . --target docs_depends # Generate images included in the documentation
cmake --build . --target optimize_images # Optimize PNG images for documentation [optional]
cmake --build . --target docs_man # Build UNIX manual pages
cmake --build . --target docs_html # Build HTML manual, tutorial, cookbook, and API reference
To install the UNIX manpages and html documentation into the specified location (along with the gmt executable, library, development headers and built-in data), use:
cmake --build . --target install
Refer to the file
for useful aliases for building the documentation.pngquant is needed for optimizing images.
Contributing an animation
The animations are built from the scripts in doc/examples/anim*/
. To add a new animation:
Open an issue with your idea for a new animation. It is best to get some feedback on your idea before starting work on the animation. If you do have an animation already made, you can share it as part of the new issue.
Create a new script
, where ?? is the number of the new example. Be sure to follow the style of the existing animations, including using#!/usr/bin/env bash
and including the purpose, list of modules and unix programs used, and any relevant notes. Use enough comments in your script to make it easily interpretable.Create a new ReStructured Text document
, where ?? is the number of the new example. Follow the same format as the other anim??.rst files, including the ReST target.. _anim??:
at the top, a title, and a description of the animation.Add a directive that will include the source code in the built documentation in
:.. literalinclude:: /_verbatim/anim??.txt :language: bash
Add a placeholder
.. youtube::
directive to thedoc/rst/source/animations/anim??.rst
file:.. youtube:: Pvvc4vb8G4Y :width: 100%
Add a placeholder gallery item to the end of the list of animations in
:.. youtube:: Pvvc4vb8G4Y :width: 100% :doc:`/animations/anim??`
Submit a pull request with your new animation. Please be sure to follow the pull request template and include the built animation in the pull request or provide a link to the built animation.
If the pull request is approved, one of the GMT maintainers will build the animation, upload it to the Generic Mapping Tools YouTube channel, and update the links to the YouTube video in
Contributing Code
The source code for GMT is locating in the src/ directory. When contributing code, be sure to follow the general guidelines in the pull request workflow section.
Code Style
When modifying or submitting new source code, make sure that your code follows the GMT code style. Use the other functions/files in the src/ directory as a basis. Here are some specific guidelines:
Use tabs, rather than spaces, for indentation.
Try to split lines at ~120 characters.
Testing GMT
GMT ships with more than 1000 tests to make sure that any changes won’t break its functionality. In addition to the
tests located in the test/
directory, GMT tests all the plots included in its documentation. The
documentation tests are located in the doc/scripts/
and doc/examples/
directories. The majority of GMT tests
are plot-based, with each test requiring a bash script for generating the plot and a reference PostScript file. These
tests pass if the difference between a new plot generated using the test script and the reference PostScript file is
less than a defined threshold. Other tests compute grids, tables, or other output, with the test passing if a suitable
comparison is made against a reference case.
Tests that are known to fail are excluded by adding # GMT_KNOWN_FAILURE
anywhere in the test script. Tests that
require a larger tolerance than the default RMS threshold are managed using GRAPHICSMAGICK_RMS = <RMS>
in the
test script. These tests are tracked in GitHub issue #2458.
Managing Test Images Using Data Version Control (dvc)
As the baseline images are large blob files that can change often, it is not ideal to store them in git
. Instead,
we use data version control (dvc) to track the test images, which is like git
but for data.
stores the hash (md5sum) of a file or an md5sum that describes the contents of a directory. For each test
that generates a .PS file, there is a baseline image file in test/baseline/<module>/
that is compared to the test result using GraphicsMagick. Each of the
directories test/baseline/<module>
are tracked by dvc
using the file test/baseline/<module>.dvc
. This file
contains the hash of a JSON .dir file stored in the .dvc cache. The .dir file contains information about each tracked
file in the directory, which is used to push/pull the files to/from remote storage. The test/baseline/<module>.dvc
files are stored as usual on GitHub, while the .PS files are stored separately on the dvc
remote at
Setting up your local environment for dvc
If you will need to push baseline images to the remote, ask a GMT maintainer to add you as a collaborator on DAGsHub.
If you will need to push baseline imaged to the remote, set up authentication for the DVC remote.
Pulling files from the remote for testing
To pull or sync files from the dvc
remote to your local repository, the commands are similar to git
dvc status # should report any files 'not_in_cache'
dvc pull # pull down files from DVC remote cache (fetch + checkout)
Once the sync is complete, you should notice that there are images stored in the test/baseline/<module>
directories (e.g., test/baseline/api/
). These images are technically reflinks/symlinks/copies
of the files under the .dvc/cache
directory. You can now run the test suite as usual.
Running tests
First, pull any baseline images stored in the DAGsHub repository using dvc:
dvc pull
After configuring CMake and building GMT, you can run all the tests by running this command in the build directory:
cmake --build . --target check
You can also run ctest
commands in the build directory. Below are some common used ctest commands.
Run all tests in 4 parallel jobs:
ctest -j 4
Re-run all failing tests in previous run in 4 parallel jobs:
ctest -j 4 --rerun-failed
Select individual tests using regexp with ctest:
ctest --output-on-failure -R ex2[3-6]
Refer to the file admin/bashrc_for_gmt
for useful aliases for running the tests.
Reviewing test failures
There are several tests that are “known to fail” for GMT. Unless the GMT_ENABLE_KNOWN2FAIL
variable is set when
configuring CMake or setting up ConfigUserAdvanced.cmake
, these tests are excluded when running ctest using the
instructions provided in the Running tests section. Therefore, you should
expect all tests to pass unless something new is broken.
Information about failing tests is produced in test/fail_count.txt
inside the build directory. For plot-based tests,
the subdirectories test/
, doc/scripts/
, and doc/examples/
inside the build directory contain folders for
each failing test. For plot-based tests, the directory associated with each failing tests contains a
script, a gmt.conf
file, an alias to the test script, a PostScript file and PDF document generated by the test
script, and a PNG image that shows differences between the reference plot and new plot in magenta. In addition to these
files, running the failing tests with verbose output can be helpful for evaluating failures:
ctest --rerun-failed --verbose
Updating reference plots for tests
Pull requests should avoid needing to change PostScript files in the test/baseline/
, doc/scripts/images/
, and
directories. However, if this is unavoidable, new PostScript reference files can be generated
using the following steps:
dvc pull
to ensure that you have the latest versions of the images.Run
ctest -R <test-script-name>
in the build directory after following the building guide, the setting up your environment instructions, and the running tests instructions.Copy the modified PostScript file from the appropriate subdirectory within
, orbuild/doc/examples/
, ordoc/examples/images/
respectively.Run the tests to ensure that the failing tests now pass.
dvc diff
to check that modified files are in the correct directory.Add the modified images to dvc using
dvc add test/baseline/<module>/<>
,dvc add doc/scripts/images/<>
, ordvc add doc/examples/images/<>
depending on the type of test modified. Run one dvc add command per updated PostScript plot.Check that the .dvc file was updated by running
git status
.Stage the modified .dvc files in git using
git add test/baseline/<module>/<>.dvc
,git add doc/scripts/images/<>.dvc
, orgit add doc/examples/images/<>.dvc
, again per updated file.Commit the changes using
git commit
.Open a pull request on GitHub with your changes.
Push the new images to the DAGsHub repository using
dvc push
. Optionally, usedvc status --remote origin
first to query the diff between your local environment and the remote repository.
Adding new tests
If you are fixing a bug or adding a new feature, you should add a test with your pull request. Most of the tests are image based and compare a result against a reference PostScript file using GraphicsMagick.
To add a PostScript based test (e.g.,
Create a new shell script in the subdirectory under
that corresponds to the module you are testing. The name of the shell script should be descriptive and unique.Include
#!/usr/bin/env bash
and a short description of the test at the top of the script.Add the content of the script that will create a PostScript file (here just called <>). Some general guidelines:
Use as small a dataset as possible. See the GMT server cache for some example datasets that can be used.
Keep the script as simple as possible, with as few commands and options as needed to test the feature, enhancement, or bug fix.
Minimize the size of the resultant PostScript file as much as possible.
Run the tests using the instructions in the running tests section.
Check that the new PostScript file in
is as-expected.Copy the new PostScript file from the appropriate subdirectory within
, orbuild/doc/examples/
, ordoc/examples/images/
respectively.Run the tests to ensure that the new test passes.
dvc diff
to check that the new file is in the correct directory.For the first test of a module, you add the directory via
dvc add test/baseline/<module>
,dvc add doc/scripts/images
, ordvc add doc/scripts/examples
. For later addition you do so per file, e.g.dvc add test/baseline/<module>/<>
,dvc add doc/scripts/images/<>
, ordvc add doc/scripts/examples/<>
depending on the type of test modified.Check that the .dvc file was updated by running
git status
.Add the modified .dvc file to git using
git add test/baseline/<module>/<>.dvc
,git add doc/scripts/images/<>.dvc
, orgit add doc/examples/images/<>.dvc
.Commit the changes using
git commit
.Open a pull request on GitHub with your changes.
Push the new images to the DAGsHub repository using
dvc push
. Optionally, usedvc status --remote origin
first to query the diff between your local environment and the remote repository.
To add a non-PostScript based test (e.g.,
Create a new shell script in the subdirectory under
that corresponds to the module you are testing. The name of the shell script should be descriptive and unique.Include
#!/usr/bin/env bash
and a short description of the test at the top of the script.Structure the test so that it produced both a reference file with the expected output (e.g., using
) in a fileanswer.txt
(for a text-based case) and the test output from gmt in a fileresult.txt
.Add a
diff` command that will compare the ``result.txt
files and create a filefail
if the files do not match (e.g.,diff -q --strip-trailing-cr answer.txt result.txt > fail
).Check that your new test works using the instructions in the running tests section.
Debugging GMT
Guides for debugging GMT are provided in the Debugging GMT section of the GMT documentation.