.. _example_08: (8) A 3-D histogram ------------------- The program :doc:`plot3d ` allows us to plot three-dimensional symbols, including columnar plots. As a simple demonstration, we will convert a gridded netCDF of bathymetry into an ASCII *xyz* table and use the height information to draw a 2-D histogram in a 3-D perspective view. We also use the height information to set to color of each column via a CPT file. Our gridded bathymetry file is the 5 arc-minute global relief. Depth ranges from -5000 meter to sea-level. We produce the Figure by running this script: .. literalinclude:: /_verbatim/ex08.txt :language: bash .. figure:: /_images/ex08.* :width: 500 px :align: center A 3-D histogram.