.. _example_07: (7) A simple location map ------------------------- Many scientific papers start out by showing a location map of the region of interest. This map will typically also contain certain features and labels. This example will present a location map for the equatorial Atlantic ocean, where fracture zones and mid-ocean ridge segments have been plotted. We also would like to plot earthquake locations and available isochrons. We have obtained one file, ``quakes_07.txt``, which contains the position and magnitude of available earthquakes in the region. We choose to use magnitude/40 for the symbol-size in cm. The digital fracture zone traces (``fz_07.txt``) and isochrons (0 isochron as ``ridge_07.txt``, the rest as ``isochron_07.txt``) were digitized from available maps [1]_. We create the final location map with the following script: .. literalinclude:: /_verbatim/ex07.txt :language: bash Here a simple one-liner creates a simple legend in the upper-right corner. .. figure:: /_images/ex07.* :width: 500 px :align: center A typical location map. Footnote ~~~~~~~~ .. [1] These data are available on CD-ROM from NCEI (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/).