(9) Time-series along tracks
A common application in many scientific disciplines involves plotting
one or several time-series as as “wiggles” along tracks. Marine
geophysicists often display magnetic anomalies in this manner, and
seismologists use the technique when plotting individual seismic traces.
In our example we will show how a set of Geosat sea surface slope
profiles from the south Pacific can be plotted as “wiggles” using the
wiggle program. We will embellish
the plot with track numbers, the location of the Pacific-Antarctic
Ridge, recognized fracture zones in the area, and a “wiggle” scale. The
Geosat tracks are stored in the file tracks_09.txt
, the ridge in ridge_09.txt
, and all the
fracture zones are stored in the multiple segment file fz_09.txt
. The
profile id is contained in the segment headers and we wish to use the
last data point in each of the track segments to construct an input file
for text that will label each profile
with the track number. We know the profiles trend approximately N40E so
we want the labels to have that same orientation (i.e., the angle with
the baseline must be 50). We do this by extracting the last record from
each track and select segment header as textstring when running
the output through text. Note we
offset the positions by 4 points with -D in order to have a small
gap between the profile and the label:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Purpose: Make wiggle plot along track from geoid deflections
# GMT modules: convert, wiggle, text, plot
gmt begin ex09
gmt wiggle @tracks_09.txt -R185/250/-68/-42 -Jm0.35c -B -BWSne+ghoneydew -Gred+p \
-Gblue+n -Z750c -Wthinnest -DjBR+w500+l@~m@~rad+o0.5c --FORMAT_GEO_MAP=dddF
gmt plot @ridge_09.txt -Wthicker
gmt plot @fz_09.txt -Wthinner,-
# Take label from segment header and plot near coordinates of last record of each track
gmt convert -El @tracks_09.txt | gmt text -F+f10p,Helvetica-Bold+a50+jRM+h -D-4p -Ghoneydew
gmt end show
The output shows the sea-surface slopes along 42 descending Geosat tracks in the Eltanin and Udintsev fracture zone region in a Mercator projection.

Time-series as wiggles along a track.