.. index:: ! x2sys_report ************** x2sys_report ************** .. only:: not man x2sys_report - Report statistics from crossover data base Synopsis -------- .. include:: ../../common_SYN_OPTs.rst_ **x2sys_report** |-C|\ *column* |-T|\ *TAG* [ *coedbase.txt* ] [ |-A| ] [ |-I|\ [*list*\ ] ] [ |-L|\ [*corrtable*] ] [ |-N|\ *nx_min* ] [ |-Q|\ **e**\ \|\ **i** ] [ [ |SYN_OPT-R| ] [ |-S|\ *track* ] [ |SYN_OPT-V| ] |No-spaces| Description ----------- **x2sys_report** will read the input crossover ASCII data base *coedbase.txt* (or *stdin*) and report on the statistics of crossovers (*n*, *mean*, *stdev*, *rms*, *weight*) for each track. Options are available to let you exclude tracks and limit the output. Required Arguments ------------------ *coedbase.txt* The name of the input ASCII crossover error data base as produced by :doc:`x2sys_cross`. If not given we read standard input instead. .. _-C: **-C**\ *column* Specify which data column you want to process. Crossovers related to this column name must be present in the crossover data base. .. include:: explain_tag.rst_ Optional Arguments ------------------ .. _-A: **-A** Eliminate COEs by distributing the COE between the two tracks in proportion to track weight and producing (dist, adjustment) spline knots files for each track (for the selected *column*). Such adjustments may be used by :doc:`x2sys_datalist`. The adjustment files are called *track.column*.adj and are placed in the **$X2SYS_HOME**/*TAG* directory. For background information on how these adjustments are designed, see *Mittal* [1984]. .. _-I: **-I**\ [*list*] Name of ASCII file with a list of track names (one per record) that should be excluded from consideration [Default includes all tracks]. .. _-L: **-L**\ [*corrtable*] Apply optimal corrections to the chosen observable. Append the correction table to use [Default uses the correction table *TAG*\ \_corrections.txt which is expected to reside in the **$X2SYS_HOME**/*TAG* directory]. For the format of this file, see :doc:`x2sys_solve`. .. _-N: **-N**\ *nx_min* Only report data from tracks involved in at least *nx_min* crossovers [all tracks]. .. _-Q: **-Qe**\ \|\ **i** Append **e** for external crossovers or **i** for internal crossovers only [Default is external]. .. _-R: .. |Add_-Rgeo| replace:: For Cartesian data just give *xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax*. This option bases the statistics on those COE that fall inside the specified domain. .. include:: ../../explain_-Rgeo.rst_ .. _-S: **-S**\ *track* Name of a single track. If given we restrict output to those crossovers involving this track [Default output is crossovers involving any track pair]. .. _-V: .. |Add_-V| unicode:: 0x20 .. just an invisible code .. include:: ../../explain_-V.rst_ .. include:: ../../explain_help.rst_ Examples -------- To report statistics of all the external magnetic crossovers associated with the tag MGD77 from the file COE_data.txt, restricted to occupy a certain region in the south Pacific, try :: gmt x2sys_report COE_data.txt -V -TMGD77 -R180/240/-60/-30 -Cmag > mag_report.txt To report on the faa crossovers globally that involves track 12345678, try :: gmt x2sys_report COE_data.txt -V -TMGD77 -Cfaa -S2345678 > faa_report.txt References ---------- Mittal, P. K. (1984), Algorithm for error adjustment of potential field data along a survey network, *Geophysics*, **49**\ (4), 467-469. See Also -------- :doc:`x2sys_binlist` :doc:`x2sys_cross` :doc:`x2sys_datalist` :doc:`x2sys_get` :doc:`x2sys_init` :doc:`x2sys_list` :doc:`x2sys_put` :doc:`x2sys_solve`