.. index:: ! psrose ****** psrose ****** .. only:: not man psrose - Plot a polar histogram (rose, sector, windrose diagrams) Synopsis -------- .. include:: common_SYN_OPTs.rst_ **psrose** [ *table* ] [ |-A|\ [**r**]\ *sector_width* ] [ |SYN_OPT-B| ] [ |-C|\ **m**\ \|\ [**+w**\ ]\ *mode_file* ] [ |-D| ] [ |-F| ] [ |-G|\ *fill* ] [ |-I| ] [ |-K| ] [ |-L|\ [\ *wlabel*\ ,\ *elabel*\ ,\ *slabel*\ ,\ *nlabel*\ ] ] [ |-M|\ *parameters* ] [ |-O| ] [ |-P| ] [ |-Q|\ *alpha* ] [ |-R|\ *r0*/*r1*/*az_0*/*az_1* ] [ |-S|\ [**n**]\ *radial\_scale* ] [ |-T| ] [ |SYN_OPT-U| ] [ |SYN_OPT-V| ] [ |-W|\ [**v**]\ *pen* ] [ |SYN_OPT-X| ] [ |SYN_OPT-Y| ] [ |-Z|\ **u**\ \|\ *scale* ] [ |SYN_OPT-bi| ] [ |SYN_OPT-di| ] [ |SYN_OPT-e| ] [ |SYN_OPT-h| ] [ |SYN_OPT-i| ] [ |SYN_OPT-p| ] [ |SYN_OPT-t| ] [ |SYN_OPT-:| ] |No-spaces| Description ----------- **psrose** reads (length,azimuth) pairs from *file* [or standard input] and generates PostScript code that will plot a windrose diagram. Add **-i**\ 0 if your file only has azimuth values. Optionally (with **-A**), polar histograms may be drawn (sector diagram or rose diagram). Options include full circle and half circle plots. The PostScript code is written to standard output. The outline of the windrose is drawn with the same color as **MAP\_DEFAULT\_PEN**. Required Arguments ------------------ None. Optional Arguments ------------------ .. |Add_intables| replace:: If a file with only azimuths are given, use **-i** to indicate the single column with azimuths; then all lengths are set to unity (see **-Zu** to set actual lengths to unity as well). .. include:: explain_intables.rst_ .. _-A: **-A**\ [**r**]\ *sector_width* Gives the sector width in degrees for sector and rose diagram. [Default 0 means windrose diagram]. Use **-Ar** to draw rose diagram instead of sector diagram. .. _-B: .. include:: explain_-B.rst_ | | Remember that "x" here is | radial distance and "y" is azimuth. The ylabel may be used to plot a figure caption. | The scale bar length is determined by the radial gridline spacing. .. _-C: **-C**\ **m**\ \|\ [**+w**\ ]\ *mode_file* Plot vectors showing the principal directions given in the *mode_file* file. Alternatively, specify **-Cm** to compute and plot mean direction. See **-M** to control the vector attributes. Finally, to instead save the computed mean direction and other statistics, use [**m**\ ]\ **+w**\ *mode_file*. The eight items saved to a single record are: *mean_az, mean_r, mean_resultant, max_r, scaled_mean_r, length_sum, n, sign@alpha*, where the last term is 0 or 1 depending on whether the mean resultant is significant at the level of confidence set via **-Q**. .. _-D: **-D** Shift sectors so that they are centered on the bin interval (e.g., first sector is centered on 0 degrees). .. _-F: **-F** Do not draw the scale length bar [Default plots scale in lower right corner] .. _-G: **-G**\ *fill* Selects shade, color or pattern for filling the sectors [Default is no fill]K. .. _-I: **-I** Inquire. Computes statistics needed to specify a useful **-R**. No plot is generated. The following statistics are written to stdout: *n*, *mean az*, *mean r*, *mean resultant length*, *max bin sum*, *scaled mean*, and *linear length sum*. .. _-K: .. include:: explain_-K.rst_ .. _-L: **-L**\ [\ *wlabel*\ ,\ *elabel*\ ,\ *slabel*\ ,\ *nlabel*\ ] Specify labels for the 0, 90, 180, and 270 degree marks. For full-circle plot the default is WEST,EAST,SOUTH,NORTH and for half-circle the default is 90W,90E,-,0. A - in any entry disables that label. Use **-L** with no argument to disable all four labels. Note that the GMT_LANGUAGE setting will affect the words used. .. _-M: **-M**\ *parameters* Used with **-C** to modify vector parameters. For vector heads, append vector head *size* [Default is 0, i.e., a line]. See VECTOR ATTRIBUTES for specifying additional attributes. If **-C** is not given and the current plot mode is to draw a windrose diagram then using **-M** will add vector heads to all individual directions using the supplied attributes. .. _-O: .. include:: explain_-O.rst_ .. _-P: .. include:: explain_-P.rst_ .. _-Q: **-Q**\ *alpha* ] Sets the confidence level used to determine if the mean resultant is significant (i.e., Lord Rayleigh test for uniformity) [0.05]. Note: The critical values are approximated [Berens, 2009] and requires at least 10 points; the critical resultants are accurate to at least 3 significant digits. For smaller data sets you should consult exact statistical tables. .. _-R: **-R**\ *r0*/*r1*/*az\_0*/*az\_1* Specifies the 'region' of interest in (r,azimuth) space. r0 is 0, r1 is max length in units. For azimuth, specify either -90/90 or 0/180 for half circle plot or 0/360 for full circle. .. _-S: **-S**\ [**n**]\ *plot_radius* Specifies radius of plotted circle (append a unit from **c**\ \|\ **i**\ \|\ **p**). Use **-Sn** to normalize input radii (or bin counts if **-A** is used) by the largest value so all radii (or bin counts) range from 0 to 1. .. _-T: **-T** Specifies that the input data are orientation data (i.e., have a 180 degree ambiguity) instead of true 0-360 degree directions [Default]. We compensate by counting each record twice: First as *azimuth* and second as *azimuth + 180*. Ignored if range is given as -90/90 or 0/180. .. _-U: .. include:: explain_-U.rst_ .. _-V: .. |Add_-V| unicode:: 0x20 .. just an invisible code .. include:: explain_-V.rst_ .. _-W: **-W**\ *pen* Set pen attributes for sector outline or rose plot. [Default is no outline]. Use **-Wv**\ *pen* to change pen used to draw vector (requires **-C**) [Default is same as sector outline]. .. _-X: .. include:: explain_-XY.rst_ .. _-Z: **-Z**\ **u**\ \|\ *scale* Multiply the data radii by *scale*. E.g., use **-Z**\ 0.001 to convert your data from m to km. To exclude the radii from consideration, set them all to unity with **-Zu** [Default is no scaling]. **-:** Input file has (azimuth,radius) pairs rather than the expected (radius,azimuth). .. |Add_-bi| replace:: [Default is 2 input columns]. .. include:: explain_-bi.rst_ .. |Add_-di| unicode:: 0x20 .. just an invisible code .. include:: explain_-di.rst_ .. |Add_-e| unicode:: 0x20 .. just an invisible code .. include:: explain_-e.rst_ .. |Add_-h| unicode:: 0x20 .. just an invisible code .. include:: explain_-h.rst_ .. include:: explain_-icols.rst_ .. |Add_perspective| unicode:: 0x20 .. just an invisible code .. include:: explain_perspective.rst_ .. include:: explain_-t.rst_ .. include:: explain_help.rst_ .. include:: explain_vectors.rst_ Examples -------- To plot a half circle rose diagram of the data in the file fault_segments.az_r (containing pairs of (azimuth, length in meters), using a 10 degree bin sector width, on a circle of radius = 3 inch, grid going out to radius = 150 km in steps of 25 km with a 30 degree sector interval, radial direction annotated every 50 km, using a light blue shading outlined by a solid red pen (width = 0.75 points), draw the mean azimuth, and shown in Portrait orientation, use: :: gmt psrose fault_segments.az_r -R0/150/-90/90 -Bx50g25+l"Fault length" -Byg30 -B+t"Rose diagram"-S3i -Ar10 -Glightblue -W0.75p,red -Z0.001 -Cm -P -T -: > half_rose.ps To plot a full circle wind rose diagram of the data in the file lines.r_az, on a circle of radius = 5 cm, grid going out to radius = 500 units in steps of 100 with a 45 degree sector interval, using a solid pen (width = 0.5 point, and shown in landscape [Default] orientation with UNIX timestamp and command line plotted, use: :: gmt psrose lines.az_r -R0/500/0/360 -S5c -Bxg100 -Byg45 -B+t"Windrose diagram" -W0.5p -Uc | lpr Redo the same plot but this time add orange vector heads to each direction (with nominal head size 0.5 cm but this will be reduced linearly for lengths less than 1 cm) and save the plot, use: :: gmt psrose lines.az_r -R0/500/0/360 -S5c -Bxg100 -Byg45 -B+t"Windrose diagram" -M0.5c+e+gorange+n1c -W0.5p -Uc > rose.ps Bugs ---- No default radial scale and grid settings for polar histograms. User must run **psrose** **-I** to find max length in binned data set. References ---------- Berens, P., 2009, CircStat: A MATLAB Toolbox for Circular Statistics, *J. Stat. Software, 31(10)*\ , 1-21. See Also -------- :doc:`gmt`, :doc:`gmt.conf`, :doc:`gmtcolors`, :doc:`pshistogram`