.. _example_31: (31) Using non-default fonts in PostScript -------------------------------------------- This example illustrates several possibilities to create GMT plots with non-default fonts. As these fonts are not part of the standard PostScript font collection they have to be embedded in the PS- or PDF-file with Ghostscript. See also Cookbook Section :ref:`non-default-fonts` for further information. The script includes the following steps: - create a ``PSL_custom_fonts.txt`` file; - set the GMT parameters ``MAP_DEGREE_SYMBOL``, ``PS_CHAR_ENCODING``, and ``FONT``; - replace the default Helvetica font in the GMT-PostScript-File with sed; - create a PostScript-File with outlined fonts (optional); - convert GMT's PostScript output to PDF or any image format (optional). The script produces the plot in Figure. All standard fonts have been substituted by the free OpenType fonts Linux Libertine (title) and Linux Biolinum (annotations). Uncomment the appropriate lines in the script to make a PostScript-file with outlined fonts or to convert to a PDF-file. .. literalinclude:: /_verbatim/example_31.txt :language: bash .. figure:: /_images/example_31.* :width: 500 px :align: center Using non-default fonts in PostScript.