.. _example_03: (3) Spectral estimation and xy-plots ------------------------------------ In this example we will show how to use the GMT programs :doc:`fitcircle `, :doc:`project `, :doc:`sample1d `, :doc:`spectrum1d `, :doc:`psxy `, and :doc:`pstext `. Suppose you have (lon, lat, gravity) along a satellite track in a file called ``sat.xyg``, and (lon, lat, gravity) along a ship track in a file called ``ship.xyg``. You want to make a cross-spectral analysis of these data. First, you will have to get the two data sets into equidistantly sampled time-series form. To do this, it will be convenient to project these along the great circle that best fits the sat track. We must use :doc:`fitcircle ` to find this great circle and choose the L\ :sub:`2` estimates of best pole. We project the data using :doc:`project ` to find out what their ranges are in the projected coordinate. The :doc:`gmtinfo ` utility will report the minimum and maximum values for multi-column ASCII tables. Use this information to select the range of the projected distance coordinate they have in common. The script prompts you for that information after reporting the values. We decide to make a file of equidistant sampling points spaced 1 km apart from -1167 to +1169, and use the UNIX utility **awk** to accomplish this step. We can then resample the projected data, and carry out the cross-spectral calculations, assuming that the ship is the input and the satellite is the output data. There are several intermediate steps that produce helpful plots showing the effect of the various processing steps (``example_03[a-f].ps``), while the final plot ``example_03.ps`` shows the ship and sat power in one diagram and the coherency on another diagram, both on the same page. Note the extended use of :doc:`pstext ` and :doc:`psxy ` to put labels and legends directly on the plots. For that purpose we often use **-Jx**\ 1i and specify positions in inches directly. Thus, the complete automated script reads: .. literalinclude:: /_verbatim/example_03.txt :language: bash The final illustration shows that the ship gravity anomalies have more power than altimetry derived gravity for short wavelengths and that the coherency between the two signals improves dramatically for wavelengths > 20 km. .. figure:: /_images/example_03.* :width: 500 px :align: center Spectral estimation and x=y-plots.