grdvector − Plot vector fields from grid files


grdvector compx.grd compy.grd −Jparameters [ −A ] [ −B[p|s]parameters ] [ −Ccptfile ] [ −E ] [ −Gfill ] [ −Ixinc[unit][=|+][/yinc[unit][=|+]] ] [ −K ] [ −N ] [ −O ] [ −P ] [ −Qparameters ] [ −Rwest/east/south/north[r] ] [ −S[l]scale ] [ −T ] [ −U[just/dx/dy/][c|label] ] [ −V ] [ −Wpen ] [ −X[a|c|r][x-shift[u]] ] [ −Y[a|c|r][y-shift[u]] ] [ −Z ] [ −ccopies ] [ −f[i|o]colinfo ]


grdvector reads two 2-D grid files which represents the x- and y-components of a vector field and produces a vector field plot by drawing vectors with orientation and length according to the information in the files. Alternatively, polar coordinate components may be used (r, theta). grdvector is basically a short-hand for using 2 calls to grd2xyz and pasting the output through psxy −SV.

Contains the x-component of the vector field.


Contains the y-component of the vector field. (See GRID FILE FORMATS below.)


Selects the map projection. Scale is UNIT/degree, 1:xxxxx, or width in UNIT (upper case modifier). UNIT is cm, inch, or m, depending on the MEASURE_UNIT setting in .gmtdefaults4, but this can be overridden on the command line by appending c, i, or m to the scale/width value. When central meridian is optional, default is center of longitude range on −R option. Default standard parallel is the equator. For map height, max dimension, or min dimension, append h, +, or - to the width, respectively.

More details can be found in the psbasemap man pages.


−Jclon0/lat0/scale (Cassini)
/[lon0/[lat0/]]scale (Cylindrical Stereographic)
[lon0/]scale (Miller)
[lon0/[lat0/]]scale (Mercator)
lon0/lat0/scale (Mercator - Give meridian and standard parallel)
[a]lon0/lat0/azimuth/scale (Oblique Mercator - point and azimuth)
[b]lon0/lat0/lon1/lat1/scale (Oblique Mercator - two points)
lon0/lat0/lonp/latp/scale (Oblique Mercator - point and pole)
[lon0/[lat0/]]scale (Cylindrical Equidistant)
lon0/[lat0/]scale (TM - Transverse Mercator)
zone/scale (UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator)
[lon0/[lat0/]]scale (Cylindrical Equal-Area)


−Jblon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Albers)
lon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Conic Equidistant)
lon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Lambert Conic Conformal)
/[lon0/[lat0/]]scale ((American) Polyconic)


−Jalon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale (Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area)
lon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale (Azimuthal Equidistant)
lon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale (Gnomonic)
lon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale (Orthographic)
lon0/lat0/altitude/azimuth/tilt/twist/Width/Height/scale (General Perspective).
lon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale (General Stereographic)


−Jh[lon0/]scale (Hammer)
[lon0/]scale (Sinusoidal)
[lon0/]scale (Eckert IV)
[s][lon0/]scale (Eckert VI)
[lon0/]scale (Robinson)
[lon0/]scale (Winkel Tripel)
[lon0/]scale (Van der Grinten)
[lon0/]scale (Mollweide)


−Jp[a]scale[/origin][r|z] (Polar coordinates (theta,r))
x-scale[d|l|ppow|t|T][/y-scale[d|l|ppow|t|T]] (Linear, log, and power scaling)


No space between the option flag and the associated arguments.


Means grid files have polar (r, theta) components instead of Cartesian (x, y).


Sets map boundary annotation and tickmark intervals; see the psbasemap man page for all the details.


Use cptfile to assign colors based on vector length.


Center vectors on grid nodes [Default draws from grid node].


Sets color or shade for vector interiors [Default is no fill]. (See SPECIFYING FILL below).


Only plot vectors at nodes every x_inc, y_inc apart (must be multiples of original grid spacing). Append m for minutes or c for seconds. [Default plots every node].


More PostScript code will be appended later [Default terminates the plot system].


Do NOT clip vectors at map boundaries [Default will clip].


Selects Overlay plot mode [Default initializes a new plot system].


Selects Portrait plotting mode [Default is Landscape, see gmtdefaults to change this].


Select vector plot [Default is stick-plot]. Optionally, specify parameters which are arrowwidth/headlength/headwidth [Default is 0.075c/0.3c/0.25c (or 0.03i/0.12i/0.1i)]. Append nsize which will cause vectors shorter than size to have their appearance scaled by length/size.


xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax specify the Region of interest. For geographic regions, these limits correspond to west, east, south, and north and you may specify them in decimal degrees or in [+-]dd:mm[][W|E|S|N] format. Append r if lower left and upper right map coordinates are given instead of w/e/s/n. The two shorthands −Rg and −Rd stand for global domain (0/360 and -180/+180 in longitude respectively, with -90/+90 in latitude). Alternatively, specify the name of an existing grid file and the −R settings (and grid spacing, if applicable) are copied from the grid. For calendar time coordinates you may either give (a) relative time (relative to the selected TIME_EPOCH and in the selected TIME_UNIT; append t to −JX|x), or (b) absolute time of the form [date]T[clock] (append T to −JX|x). At least one of date and clock must be present; the T is always required. The date string must be of the form [-]yyyy[-mm[-dd]] (Gregorian calendar) or yyyy[-Www[-d]] (ISO week calendar), while the clock string must be of the form hh:mm:ss[.xxx]. The use of delimiters and their type and positions must be exactly as indicated (however, input, output and plot formats are customizable; see gmtdefaults). Specify a subset of the grid.


Sets scale for vector length in data units per distance measurement unit [1]. Append c, i, m, p to indicate the measurement unit (cm, inch, m, point). Prepend l to indicate a fixed length for all vectors.


Means azimuth should be converted to angles based on the selected map projection.


Draw Unix System time stamp on plot. By adding just/dx/dy/, the user may specify the justification of the stamp and where the stamp should fall on the page relative to lower left corner of the plot. For example, BL/0/0 will align the lower left corner of the time stamp with the lower left corner of the plot. Optionally, append a label, or c (which will plot the command string.). The GMT parameters UNIX_TIME, UNIX_TIME_POS, and UNIX_TIME_FORMAT can affect the appearance; see the gmtdefaults man page for details. The time string will be in the locale set by the environment variable TZ (generally local time).


Selects verbose mode, which will send progress reports to stderr [Default runs "silently"].


Set pen attributes used for vector outlines [Default: width = 0.25p, color = black, texture = solid]. (See SPECIFYING PENS below).

−X −Y

Shift plot origin relative to the current origin by (x-shift,y-shift) and optionally append the length unit (c, i, m, p). You can prepend a to shift the origin back to the original position after plotting, or prepend r [Default] to reset the current origin to the new location. If −O is used then the default (x-shift,y-shift) is (0,0), otherwise it is (r1i, r1i) or (r2.5c, r2.5c). Alternatively, give c to align the center coordinate (x or y) of the plot with the center of the page based on current page size.


Means the angles provided are azimuths rather than direction (requires −A).


Specifies the number of plot copies. [Default is 1].


Special formatting of input and/or output columns (time or geographical data). Specify i or o to make this apply only to input or output [Default applies to both]. Give one or more columns (or column ranges) separated by commas. Append T (absolute calendar time), t (relative time in chosen TIME_UNIT since TIME_EPOCH), x (longitude), y (latitude), or f (floating point) to each column or column range item. Shorthand −f[i|o]g means −f[i|o]0x,1y (geographic coordinates).



The attributes of lines and symbol outlines as defined by pen is a comma delimetered list of width, color and texture, each of which is optional. width can be indicated as a measure (points, centimeters, inches) or as faint, thin[ner|nest], thick[er|est], fat[ter|test], or obese. color specifies a gray shade or color (see SPECIFYING COLOR below). texture is a combination of dashes ‘-’ and dots ‘.’.



The attribute fill specifies the solid shade or solid color (see SPECIFYING COLOR below) or the pattern used for filling polygons. Patterns are specified as pdpi/pattern, where pattern gives the number of the built-in pattern (1-90) or the name of a Sun 1-, 8-, or 24-bit raster file. The dpi sets the resolution of the image. For 1-bit rasters: use Pdpi/pattern for inverse video, or append :Fcolor[B[color]] to specify fore- and background colors (use color = - for transparency). See GMT Cookbook & Technical Reference Appendix E for information on individual patterns.



The color of lines, areas and patterns can be specified by a valid color name; by a gray shade (in the range 0−255); by a decimal color code (r/g/b, each in range 0−255; h-s-v, ranges 0−360, 0−1, 0−1; or c/m/y/k, each in range 0−1); or by a hexadecimal color code (#rrggbb, as used in HTML). See the gmtcolors manpage for more information and a full list of color names.


GMT is able to recognize many of the commonly used grid file formats, as well as the precision, scale and offset of the values contained in the grid file. When GMT needs a little help with that, you can add the suffix =id[/scale/offset[/nan]], where id is a two-letter identifier of the grid type and precision, and scale and offset are optional scale factor and offset to be applied to all grid values, and nan is the value used to indicate missing data. See grdreformat(1) and Section 4.17 of the GMT Technical Reference and Cookbook for more information.

When reading a netCDF file that contains multiple grids, GMT will read, by default, the first 2-dimensional grid that can find in that file. To coax GMT into reading another multi-dimensional variable in the grid file, append ?varname to the file name, where varname is the name of the variable. Note that you may need to escape the special meaning of ? in your shell program by putting a backslash in front of it, or by placing the filename and suffix between quotes or double quotes. See grdreformat(1) and Section 4.18 of the GMT Technical Reference and Cookbook for more information, particularly on how to read splices of 3-, 4-, or 5-dimensional grids.


To draw the vector field given by the files r.grd and theta.grd on a linear plot with scale 5 cm per data unit, using vector rather than stick plot, and scale vector magnitudes so that 10 units equal 1 inch, run

grdvector r.grd theta.grd −Jx 5c −A −Q −S 10i >


GMT(1), gmtcolors(5), grdcontour(1), psxy(1)