#!/bin/bash # GMT EXAMPLE 18 # $Id: job18.sh 10180 2014-01-10 22:51:02Z pwessel $ # # Purpose: Illustrates volumes of grids inside contours and spatial # selection of data # GMT progs: gmtset, gmtselect, grdclip, grdcontour, grdgradient, grdimage # GMT progs: grdmath, grdvolume, makecpt, pscoast, psscale, pstext, psxy # Unix progs: $AWK, cat, rm # . ../functions.sh ps=../example_18.ps # Use spherical projection since SS data define on sphere gmtset ELLIPSOID Sphere D_FORMAT %g # Define location of Pratt seamount echo "-142.65 56.25" > pratt.d # First generate gravity image w/ shading, label Pratt, and draw a circle # of radius = 200 km centered on Pratt. makecpt -Crainbow -T-60/60/10 -Z > grav.cpt grdgradient AK_gulf_grav.nc -Nt1 -A45 -GAK_gulf_grav_i.nc grdimage AK_gulf_grav.nc -IAK_gulf_grav_i.nc -JM5.5i -Cgrav.cpt -B2f1 -P -K -X1.5i -Y5.85i > $ps pscoast -RAK_gulf_grav.nc -J -O -K -Di -Ggray -Wthinnest >> $ps psscale -D2.75i/-0.4i/4i/0.15ih -Cgrav.cpt -B20f10/:mGal: -O -K >> $ps $AWK '{print $1, $2, 12, 0, 1, "LB", "Pratt"}' pratt.d | pstext -R -J -O -K -D0.1i/0.1i >> $ps $AWK '{print $1, $2, 0, 400, 400}' pratt.d | psxy -R -J -O -K -SE -Wthinnest >> $ps # Then draw 10 mGal contours and overlay 50 mGal contour in green grdcontour AK_gulf_grav.nc -J -C20 -B2f1WSEn -O -K -Y-4.85i \ -U/-1.25i/-0.75i/"Example 18 in Cookbook" >> $ps grdcontour AK_gulf_grav.nc -J -C10 -L49/51 -O -K -Dsm -Wcthin,green >> $ps pscoast -R -J -O -K -Di -Ggray -Wthinnest >> $ps $AWK '{print $1, $2, 0, 400, 400}' pratt.d | psxy -R -J -O -K -SE -Wthinnest >> $ps rm -f sm_*[0-9].xyz # Only consider closed contours # Now determine centers of each enclosed seamount > 50 mGal but only plot # the ones within 200 km of Pratt seamount. # First determine mean location of each closed contour and # add it to the file centers.d rm -f centers.d for file in sm_*.xyz; do $AWK 'BEGIN{x=0;y=0;n=0};{x+=$1;y+=$2;n++};END{print x/n,y/n}' $file >> centers.d done # Only plot the ones within 200 km gmtselect -C200/pratt.d centers.d -fg | psxy -R -J -O -K -SC0.04i -Gred -Wthinnest >> $ps psxy -R -J -O -K -ST0.1i -Gyellow -Wthinnest pratt.d >> $ps # Then report the volume and area of these seamounts only # by masking out data outside the 200 km-radius circle # and then evaluate area/volume for the 50 mGal contour grdmath -R `$AWK '{print $1, $2}' pratt.d` SDIST = mask.nc grdclip mask.nc -Sa200/NaN -Sb200/1 -Gmask.nc grdmath AK_gulf_grav.nc mask.nc MUL = tmp.nc area=`grdvolume tmp.nc -C50 -Sk | cut -f2` volume=`grdvolume tmp.nc -C50 -Sk | cut -f3` psxy -R -J -A -O -K -L -Wthin -Gwhite >> $ps << END -148.5 52.75 -141 52.75 -141 53.75 -148.5 53.75 END pstext -R -J -O >> $ps << END -148 53.08 14 0 1 LM Areas: $area km@+2@+ -148 53.42 14 0 1 LM Volumes: $volume mGal\264km@+2@+ END # Clean up rm -f grav.cpt sm_*.xyz *_i.nc tmp.nc mask.nc pratt.d center* .gmt*