#!/bin/bash # GMT EXAMPLE 17 # $Id: job17.sh 9545 2011-07-27 19:31:54Z pwessel $ # # Purpose: Illustrates clipping of images using coastlines # GMT progs: grd2cpt, grdgradient, grdimage, pscoast, pstext # Unix progs: rm # . ../functions.sh ps=../example_17.ps # First generate geoid image w/ shading grd2cpt india_geoid.nc -Crainbow > geoid.cpt grdgradient india_geoid.nc -Nt1 -A45 -Gindia_geoid_i.nc grdimage india_geoid.nc -Iindia_geoid_i.nc -JM6.5i -Cgeoid.cpt -P -K \ -U"Example 17 in Cookbook" > $ps # Then use pscoast to initiate clip path for land pscoast -Rindia_geoid.nc -J -O -K -Dl -Gc >> $ps # Now generate topography image w/shading echo "-10000 150 10000 150" > gray.cpt grdgradient india_topo.nc -Nt1 -A45 -Gindia_topo_i.nc grdimage india_topo.nc -Iindia_topo_i.nc -J -Cgray.cpt -O -K >> $ps # Finally undo clipping and overlay basemap pscoast -R -J -O -K -Q -B10f5:."Clipping of Images": >> $ps # Put a color legend on top of the land mask psscale -D4i/7.6i/4i/0.2ih -Cgeoid.cpt -B5f1/:m: -I -O -K >> $ps # Add a text paragraph pstext -R -J -O -m -Wwhite,Othinner -D-0.1i/0.1i >> $ps << END > 90 -10 12 0 4 RB 12p 3i j @_@%5%Example 17.@%%@_ We first plot the color geoid image for the entire region, followed by a gray-shaded @#etopo5@# image that is clipped so it is only visible inside the coastlines. END # Clean up rm -f geoid.cpt gray.cpt *_i.nc .gmt*